About Us
Last Laugh Productions began in 2009, when Deborah Fruchey's agent advised her to self publish her manual on coping with mental illness.
She never looked back.
Deborah and her husband Robert Hamaker are a creative team who work together to produce books & music. Robert composes and records in his studio, and asks Deb to chip in on vocals (her first love, even before writing, was singing). Deborah authors books & poetry, and publishes and edits other writers' works; one to six times a year she publishes the work of friends & others whom she feels deserve better exposure. Robert provides technical support, as the true computer whisperer in the family, and the wonderful photos that are his hobby.
For a description of other books Deborah has produced & edited, see the "editing" page on her author website, www.lafruche.net.
If you wish to submit a manuscript for consideration, please send an email to discuss it first. Deborah charges about $500-600 per book for a publishing package which includes book design, cover design, copyediting, proofreading, and uploading of your book to Amazon, Lulu, or other sites if you prefer. See fee schedule below. She does not engage in marketing for the author...but then, who does, these days? Once publish-on-demand became a thing, the days of publishers who marketed for their authors were at an end. But we all have remarkable freedom as a result!
From time to time, however, Last Laugh Productions does hold public reading events at which all its authors are welcome to shine!
Schedule of Fees
Reading fee $ 30
Cover (includes 3 refusals & 3 changes) $120
Additional author changes $ 80 each
Cover, Author provides art $ 80
Book design & editing for 100 pp
(includes 3 rounds of author changes) $400
Addtl 100 pages or portion thereof $200
Conversion from paper to digital, per 100 pp $200
Additional rounds of author changes $ 80 each round
Addtl 50 pages or portions thereof $100
Bowker Last Laugh ISBN (optional) $ 29
Library of Congress Control Number (optional) $ 10
Catalogue-in-Publication Listing (optional) $ 60
Index, including up to 5 rounds of changes $150 each
addtl rounds of author changes $20 each
unpublished early review copies (paper) $ 7 each
Internal images $ 30 each (multiples rates negotiated)
Hardcover conversion $ 50
Conversion to ebook (each 100 pages or portion thereof) $ 50
Upload service (including book description & metadata) $ 40 first time
Rounds of author changes after proof copy $ 80 each
Additional uploads $ 20 each
Client is responsible for the price of all proofs, author copies, LCCN and reviewer copies.
All permissions & copyright information & credits are the responsibility of the client.
Conditional upon credit to Deborah L. Fruchey, if she edits, on title page and in book listing on any sites where book is sold.
If published by Last Laugh Productions: includes icon on book and listing on website & at least one announcement on Facebook and Twitter. Royalties paid annually.
Waiving of any one fee for any reason does not affect the ability to enforce all other fees.
Cover fee due at time of cover acceptance.
Book design & editing fee due on the following schedule:
First acceptance of material $100
First full Manuscript pdf $200
Final copy $100
Installment payments can be negotiated.
Unique Visits